Module View: REST API

1. Interface Identity

OET REST API presents REST resources that can be used to manage the lifecycle of Python scripts running on a remote server and to inspect their status.

2. Resources

A ‘Procedure’ represents a Python script to run, or that is running, on the backend. The REST API operates on Procedures.

The standard workflow is to use the API to:

  1. Instruct the backend to prepare a script for execution by using HTTP POST to upload a JSON Procedure to /api/v1/procedures

  2. Start script execution by uploading an updated JSON Procedure with a ProcedureState of RUNNING.

  3. (optional) a running script can be terminated by using PUT to upload a JSON Procedure with a ProcedureState of STOPPED.

The current status of a script execution can be inspected at any time by reading the JSON Procedure with HTTP GET.

This workflow has been mapped to the following REST resources:

Procedure REST resources

HTTP Method

Resource URL




List procedures

Return the collection of all prepared and running procedures.



Return a procedure definition



Streaming realtime OET events

Return an SSE data stream of OET events as they are published by the OET and scripts.



Prepare a new procedure

Loads the requested script and prepares it for execution.



Modify the state of a prepared procedure

This can be used to start execution by setting the Procedure state attribute to RUNNING or stop execution by setting state to STOPPED.

An ‘Activity’ represents an action which a user will command the telescope to perform, eg ‘allocate’

Activity REST resources

HTTP Method

Resource URL




List activities

Return the collection of all activities.



Get activity

Return the a summary of the activity with given id.



Prepare a new activity

Loads the script from the SBDefinition for the given activity and prepares it for execution. Response is an ActivitySummary

3. Data Types and Constants

Type: Procedure

Procedure is used to represent a Python script running in a Python process on the OET backend. Attributes are:

  • string uri: read-only URI of this procedure. Defined by the server on procedure creation.

  • FileSystemScript/GitScript script: Script details containing script_uri, e.g., file:///path/to/, and additional information like git arguments.

  • CallArgs script_args: arguments provided to the script at initialisation time and main execution time.

  • ProcedureState state: current state of this Procedure.

  • ProcedureHistory history: timestamped execution history for this Procedure.


Below is an example Procedure JSON object. This resource (located at URI http://localhost:5000/api/v1.0/procedures/1), represents a script (located on disk at /path/to/, that has been loaded and its initialisation method called with two arguments (e.g, the script init function was called as init(subarray_id=1, sb_uri=’file:///path/to/scheduling_block_123.json’). The script is ready to execute but is not yet executing, as shown by its state being READY:

    "script_args": {
      "init": {
        "args": [],
        "kwargs": {
          "sb_uri": "file:///path/to/scheduling_block_123.json",
          "subarray_id": 1
      "run": {
        "args": [],
        "kwargs": {}
    "script": {
        "script_type": "filesystem",
        "script_uri": "file:///path/to/",
    "history": {
        "process_states": [
           ("CREATING", 1601463545.57689632),
           ("IDLE", 1601463545.57843814),
           ("LOADING", 1601463545.58043561),
           ("IDLE", 1601463545.58865546),
           ("RUNNING", 1601463545.62904726),
           ("READY", 1601463545.7789776)
        "stacktrace": null
    "state": "READY",
    "uri": "http://localhost:5000/api/v1.0/procedures/1"

If user wanted to run script located in a git repository http://gitrepo.git in branch test, the script JSON would look as below:

{ ...
    "script": {
        "script_type": "git",
        "script_uri": "git:///path/to/",
        "git_args": {"git_repo": "http://gitrepo.git", "git_branch": "test"}
    } ...

Type: FileSystemScript

FileSystemScript represents the script to be run from the file system. It has script_uri argument which points to an observing script present on the file system and script_type which has the value of filesystem.

Type: GitScript

GitScript inherits from FileSystemScript, which means it also has a script_uri argument and script_type of git. Additionally it has an argument, GitArgs which points to the git repository the given script is located in. The arguments for GitArgs are:

  • git_repo which points to the full URL of the repository

  • git_branch if specifying other than the default master branch

  • git_commit if wanting to point to a specific commit within the repository.

Type: CallArgs

CallArgs represents the arguments to be passed to functions in the user script when those functions are called. Attributes are:

  • FunctionArgs init: arguments passed to the script init function at script creation and initialisation time.

  • FunctionArgs run: arguments passed to the script main function when the main execution function is called.

Type: FunctionArgs

FunctionArgs captures the positional arguments and keywords arguments (to be) passed to a Python function. Attribute are:

  • list args: list of positional arguments for the Python function, e.g., "args": [1, 2, 3]

  • dict kwargs: dictionary of keywords arguments, e.g., "kwargs": {"subarray_id": 1}

Type: ProcedureState

ProcedureState is an enumeration representing the current lifecycle state of the Python process running the user script. It can be one of:

  • IDLE: state between script preparation steps where no action is ongoing.

  • CREATING: script creation has been started.

  • LOADING: loading the specified script file to be executed.

  • READY: script is ready to run specified function, e.g. init or main.

  • RUNNING: script is running, i.e., the script’s init or main function is currently executing.

  • STOPPED: script was terminated by the OET before the script could complete.

  • COMPLETE: the script completed successfully, i.e., the main function completed and no exception was raised.

  • FAILED: an exception was raised during script preparation or execution.

Type: ProcedureHistory

ProcedureHistory represents a timeline of ProcedureStates that the Procedure has passed through. Attributes are:

  • list process_states: a List of ProcedureStates and timestamps when that ProcedureState was reached, e.g. process_states: [('CREATING', 18392174.543), ('RUNNING', 18392143.546), ('COMPLETE', 183925456.744)].

  • string stacktrace: populated with the stacktrace from the script if the final ProcedureState is FAILED. This attribute is set to None for any other final state.

4. Error Handling

Accessing the URL of a Procedure that does not exist on the backend or whose history has expired will result in a HTTP 404 error:

tangodev@buster:~/ska/ska-oso-oet$ curl -i http://localhost:5000/api/v1.0/procedures/4
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 103
Server: Werkzeug/1.0.1 Python/3.7.3
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2021 17:40:30 GMT

{"error": "404 Not Found", "type": "ResourceNotFound", "Message": "No information available for PID=4"}

5. Variability


6. Quality Attribute Characteristics


7. Rationale and Design Issues

The procedure history is limited, and at some point a Procedure REST resource will become unavailable as it becomes superseded by new Procedures and that history slot is reclaimed. This is not expected to be a problem as a maximum of one script can run at any one time, so even a small history allows a reasonable amount of time for that Procedure history to be inspected.

8. Usage Guide

The following examples show some interactions with the REST service from the command line, using curl to send input to the service and with responses output to the terminal.

Creating a procedure

The session below creates a new procedure, which loads the script and calls the script’s init() function, but does not commence execution. The created procedure is returned as JSON. Note that in the return JSON the procedure URI is defined. This URI can be used in a PUT request that commences script execution:

tangodev@buster:~/ska/ska-oso-oet$ curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"script_uri":"file:///path/to/", "script_args": {"init": { "kwargs": {"subarray_id": 1, "sb_uri": "file:///path/to/scheduling_block_123.json"} } }}' http://localhost:5000/api/v1.0/procedures
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 424
Server: Werkzeug/0.16.0 Python/3.7.3
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2020 10:08:01 GMT

  "procedure": {
    "script_args": {
      "init": {
        "args": [],
        "kwargs": {
          "sb_uri": "file:///path/to/scheduling_block_123.json",
          "subarray_id": 1
      "run": {
        "args": [],
        "kwargs": {}
    "script": {
        "script_type": "filesystem",
        "script_uri": "file:///path/to/"
    "history": {
        "process_states": [
           ("CREATING", 1601463545.7589678),
           ("IDLE", 1601463545.7598525),
           ("LOADING", 1601463545.7649524),
           ("IDLE", 1601463545.7668241),
           ("RUNNING", 1601463545.7694371),
           ("READY", 1601463545.7748005)
        "stacktrace": null
    "state": "READY",
    "uri": "http://localhost:5000/api/v1.0/procedures/2"

Listing all procedures

The session below lists all procedures, both running and non-running. This example shows two procedures have been created: procedure #1 that will run, and procedure #2 that will run

tangodev@buster:~/ska/ska-oso-oet$ curl -i http://localhost:5000/api/v1.0/procedures
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 913
Server: Werkzeug/0.16.0 Python/3.7.3
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2020 10:11:42 GMT

  "procedures": [
      "script_args": {
        "init": {
          "args": [],
          "kwargs": {
            "dishes": [
        "run": {
          "args": [],
          "kwargs": {}
      "script": {
        "script_type": "filesystem",
        "script_uri": "file:///path/to/"
      "history": {
          "process_states": [
               ("CREATING", 1601463545.7589678),
               ("IDLE", 1601463545.7598525),
               ("LOADING", 1601463545.7649524),
               ("IDLE", 1601463545.7668241),
               ("RUNNING", 1601463545.7694371),
               ("READY", 1601463545.7748005)
          "stacktrace": null
      "state": "READY",
      "uri": "http://localhost:5000/api/v1.0/procedures/1"
      "script_args": {
        "init": {
          "args": [],
          "kwargs": {
            "sb_uri": "file:///path/to/scheduling_block_123.json",
            "subarray_id": 1
        "run": {
          "args": [],
          "kwargs": {}
      "script": {
        "script_type": "filesystem",
        "script_uri": "file:///path/to/"
      "history": {
           "process_states": [
               ("CREATING", 1601463545.7589678),
               ("IDLE", 1601463545.7598525),
               ("LOADING", 1601463545.7649524),
               ("IDLE", 1601463545.7668241),
               ("RUNNING", 1601463545.7694371),
               ("READY", 1601463545.7748005)
           "stacktrace": null
      "state": "READY",
      "uri": "http://localhost:5000/api/v1.0/procedures/2"

Listing one procedure

A specific procedure can be listed by a GET request to its specific URI. The session below lists procedure #1:

tangodev@buster:~/ska/ska-oso-oet$ curl -i http://localhost:5000/api/v1.0/procedures/1
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 417
Server: Werkzeug/0.16.0 Python/3.7.3
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2020 10:18:26 GMT

  "procedure": {
    "script_args": {
      "init": {
        "args": [],
        "kwargs": {
          "dishes": [
      "run": {
        "args": [],
        "kwargs": {}
    "script": {
      "script_type": "filesystem",
      "script_uri": "file:///path/to/"
    "history": {
        "process_states": [
           ("CREATING", 1601463545.7589678),
           ("IDLE", 1601463545.7598525),
           ("LOADING", 1601463545.7649524),
           ("IDLE", 1601463545.7668241),
           ("RUNNING", 1601463545.7694371),
           ("READY", 1601463545.7748005)
        "stacktrace": null
    "state": "READY",
    "uri": "http://localhost:5000/api/v1.0/procedures/1"

Starting procedure execution

The signal to begin script execution is to change the state of a procedure to RUNNING. This is achieved with a PUT request to the resource. Any additional late-binding arguments to pass to the script’s run() function should be defined in the ‘run’ script_args key.

The example below requests execution of procedure #2, with late binding kw argument scan_duration=14:

tangodev@buster:~/ska/ska-oso-oet$ curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"script_args": {"run": {"kwargs": {"scan_duration": 14.0}}}, "state": "RUNNING"}' http://localhost:5000/api/v1.0/procedures/2
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 467
Server: Werkzeug/0.16.0 Python/3.7.3
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2020 10:14:06 GMT

  "procedure": {
    "script_args": {
      "init": {
        "args": [],
        "kwargs": {
          "sb_uri": "file:///path/to/scheduling_block_123.json",
          "subarray_id": 1
      "run": {
        "args": [],
        "kwargs": {
          "scan_duration": 14.0
    "script": {
      "script_type": "filesystem",
      "script_uri": "file:///path/to/"
    "history": {
        "process_states": [
           ("CREATING", 1601463545.7589678),
           ("IDLE", 1601463545.7598525),
           ("LOADING", 1601463545.7649524),
           ("IDLE", 1601463545.7668241),
           ("RUNNING", 1601463545.7694371),
           ("READY", 1601463545.7748005)
        "stacktrace": null
    "state": "READY",
    "uri": "http://localhost:5000/api/v1.0/procedures/2"

Terminate process execution

The signal to abort script mid-execution is to change the state of a procedure to STOPPED. This is achieved with a PUT request to the resource. Additional argument abort can be provided in the request which, when true, will execute an abort script that will send Abort command to the sub-array device. The default value of abort is False.

tangodev@buster:~/ska/ska-oso-oet$ curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"abort": true, "state": "STOPPED"}' http://localhost:5000/api/v1.0/procedures/2
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 467
Server: Werkzeug/0.16.0 Python/3.7.3
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2020 10:14:09 GMT
{"abort_message":"Successfully stopped script with ID 2 and aborted subarray activity "}

Listen to OET events

The session below lists all events published by oet scripts. This example shows two events, #1 request to available procedures #2 get the details of all the created procedures

tangodev@buster:~/ska/ska-oso-oet$ curl -i http://localhost:5000/api/v1.0/stream
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/event-stream; charset=utf-8
Connection: close
Server: Werkzeug/1.0.1 Python/3.7.3
Date: Mon, 02 Nov 2020 06:57:40 GMT

data:{"msg_src": "FlaskWorker", "pids": null, "topic": "request.procedure.list"}

data:{"msg_src": "SESWorker", "result": [], "topic": "procedure.pool.list"}

data:{"msg_src": "FlaskWorker", "cmd": {"py/object": "oet.procedure.application.application.PrepareProcessCommand", "script_uri": "file://scripts/", "init_args": {"py/object": "oet.procedure.domain.ProcedureInput", "args": {"py/tuple": []}, "kwargs": {"subarray_id": 1}}}, "topic": "request.procedure.create"}

data:{"msg_src": "SESWorker", "result": {"py/object": "oet.procedure.application.application.ProcedureSummary", "id": 1, "script_uri": "file://scripts/", "script_args": {"init": {"py/object": "oet.procedure.domain.ProcedureInput", "args": {"py/tuple": []}, "kwargs": {"subarray_id": 1}}, "run": {"py/object": "oet.procedure.domain.ProcedureInput", "args": {"py/tuple": []}, "kwargs": {}}}, "history": {"py/object": "oet.procedure.domain.ProcedureHistory", "process_states": {"py/reduce": [{"py/type": "collections.OrderedDict"}, {"py/tuple": []}, null, null, {"py/tuple": [{"py/tuple": [{"py/reduce": [{"py/type": "oet.procedure.domain.ProcedureState"}, {"py/tuple": [1]}]}, 1605017786.0569353]}]}]}, "stacktrace": null}, "state": {"py/id": 5}}, "topic": "procedure.lifecycle.created"}